Mary Lenihan

Cofounder, Pause For Inspiration

About this speaker

Mary Lenihan listens and writes what her True Self receives from her teacher, The Mentor Within (Spirit in all). She is still becoming – being willing to vessel grace, the path of full exposure – grace bringing to light our worthiness. Mary cofounded the public charity Pause for Inspiration in 2008. They created and teach 8 Pause Practices: Inspiration, Kids, Teens, Parents, Teachers, Prisoners, Veterans and LOVE. Mary wrote the trilogy, The Mentor Within, Visions of Illumination and Pause For Inspiration. Guided to “speak to the crowd” she shares Pause as a practice in receiving and following Inner Love and Wisdom with everyone.

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General Session 5

Jonathan Robinson Mary Lenihan Oliver & Yaulanda Blue Christopher Bache, Ph.D.

PAUSE FOR LOVE ~ Wherever I am, Whatever I am doing, Whomever I am with

Mary Lenihan