Sheva Carr

CEO, Heart Ambassadors; Director, HeartMath Healthcare

About this speaker

Sheva Carr is the architect and Director of HeartMath’s HeartMastery Program, the CEO of Fyera! /Heart Ambassadors, and the founding Executive Director of the Fyera Foundation and Sunflower SunPower Kids. She is featured as a “love luminary” in Marci Schimoff’s New York Times bestselling book Love for No Reason. As a Doctor of Oriental Medicine and HeartMath trainer, she has authored several books of her own (most recently Being the Source of Love). Sheva speaks to people all over the world on how to access heart intelligence and inner peace in order to receive the benefits of the heart’s impact on consciousness, health, performance, creativity, social change, and to create cultures of personal and global peace.

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General Session 1

Dr. Jon Mundy Tama Kieves Sheva Carr Miranda Macpherson

Your Heart's Blueprint: The Role of Heart Physiology in Love and Presence

Sheva Carr