Penney Peirce

Practicing Full Presence During the Creation Cycle

A Session by Penney Peirce (Clairvoyant Empath, Visionary, Author, Lecturer & Trainer)

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About this Session

Penney will talk about maintaining high-frequency mindfulness during the various phases of the Creation Cycle which we engage in every day in large and small ways. She will describe the stages of the cycle (based on a triangular model) from Be/Spirit to Do/Mind to Have/Body and back to Be/Spirit. So much of our personal pleasure and effectiveness depends on the kind of attention we bring to each variety of present moment experience. We will discuss dissolving some of the common obstacles to easy flow, working with liminal space, using intuition to improve the experience of creating, and the power of trust.

About The Speaker

Penney Peirce

Penney Peirce

Clairvoyant Empath, Visionary, Author, Lecturer & Trainer