Drs. Clifton & Antoinette Sawyer

Title: Establishing the Identity of Christ in the Earth

A Session by Drs. Clifton & Antoinette Sawyer (Founding Pastors of Cornerstone Life Center, Inc., Cornerstone Life Center, Inc.)

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About this Session

Most people on the spiritual path are drinking of living water yet still thirsty.
This session will offer a mystical discourse specifically designed for those who are interested in learning to accept their humanity as the expression of Christ.
Information will be offered as to how spiritual experiences impart spiritual truths that serve to advance the seeker toward expanded consciousness. This session will focus on how to go to your pure self and remain centered in your God identity when things are not going the way you would like.
We will cover the nature of the mind and how living from the heart differs from the egoic identity.

About The Speaker

Drs. Clifton & Antoinette Sawyer

Drs. Clifton & Antoinette Sawyer

Founding Pastors of Cornerstone Life Center, Inc., Cornerstone Life Center, Inc.