Sheva Carr

Your Heart's Blueprint: The Role of Heart Physiology in Love and Presence

A Session by Sheva Carr (CEO, Heart Ambassadors; Director, HeartMath Healthcare)

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About this Session

Just as an acorn contains all the information to become an oak tree, you were born with a user’s manual for your life — including purpose, well-being, and peace of mind — right inside your own heart.

How can we access and decode that user’s manual? This workshop introduces the tools and practices developed over 25 years of peer-reviewed research at the Institute of HeartMath.

The HeartMath process shows us that the concept “follow your heart” is not just a poetic metaphor, but can be methodically manifested by anyone. Welcome to an experiential conversation which can benefit laypeople and the health and healing practitioners that serve them. We will: • Introduce you to the power, intelligence, and potential within your own heart • Empower you to lead a life you truly love • Support you to live life from inner-knowing, genuine care, and purpose • Give you step-by-step process in which to create a heart-based life and world based on loving awakened heart presence • Learn how this is being applied in hospitals and organizations all over the planet and the fascinating scientific results when it is! The process is not an archeological dig. It is as close to you as your own breath and heart, validated by some fascinating science that reignites wonder and awe at how we and the world work.

Special Session Bonus Handouts

About The Speaker

Sheva Carr

Sheva Carr

CEO, Heart Ambassadors; Director, HeartMath Healthcare